Since my last post, I started searching online for new apartments. Our landlord still hadn't given us permission to stay with Bailey, and as I wrote, I was feeling restless. I didn't want to move to the same kind of "flat" apartment, so I started looking for town homes. I found a condo not too far away that had a great playground outside within our price range. Eric, in wanting me to be happy, gave in to my insane need to move on. So we moved...all within 5 days.
There is still so much work to do at the old place, but I am also doing my best to make this place feel like home. My need for change created an upheaval in Eric's realm that will be in turmoil until everything has a place here. He keeps stressing about where we will put everything, but I know we can make it work. It just looks different. I think that's fun. He was content, and I have created a hurricane. Now I am working hard every day to tackle more and more of each room so that it feels homey and settled. This feels to me like a way to show my love and gratitude to Eric.
If you didn't know it, Eric and I were born literally 17 days apart, but the kicker is that we had the same due date. I came 4 days early, and he refused to leave the womb. Okay, so it was only 13 days late. :-) God has put us together for a reason, and while sometimes I push us further than we need to go right then, sometimes it is my need to go that keeps us moving.
One really cool thing to realize since we moved is that God is truly at work at our old community. We have seen a couple of our friends turn back to the Lord, and other believers move in as well. An idea that God brought to mind was to gather all of these believers together next Monday and give them the vision for how to live at Edmonds Ridge. Please pray for us that it will be possible to gather them.
Also at the same time, my feeling that our home fellowship was just stagnant beyond repair until others feel ready to give God their lives, pushed Eric to have that conversation with them asking, "what do we want?". We all still want to gather, but now the two of us feel free to find/form another group with the purpose of truly worshiping as the Body of Christ. When we will find time to do both groups, I truly don't know. But I'm ok with dreaming and praying for the possibilities.
Lord, may I rest in you!